I am a freelance illustrator currently living in Bristol. My favorite things are nature, history, comics, psychology, and cuddling my girlfriend!
I am most well known for my various long and short comics that explore and explain autism. My comics are also known for showing big feelings and loveable characters that people can connect to on a personal level (or so all the reviews say!). My previous clients include The Guardian, Harpercollins, Hatchette, and the NHS.
I have both written and illustrated several award winning YA and children’s books/comics with Harpercollins, Jessica Kingsley and BQB.
I love telling stories! So I do this a lot in my spare time, mainly through web comics, which you can find for free, next to my social media links at the top of the page.
If you are looking to contact me about my "Understanding The Spectrum" comic, please find a print-quality PDF of the comic at this link here. No need to email me to ask for permission to use it, I have always intended for the comic to be completely free to use in whatever you like, be it in presentations or for translating. When you do use it though, please credit me for the images and let me know that you've used it, because I love to know that this old comic is still doing much good in the world!